Monday, October 25, 2010

Beginning Guitar with Eddie: Lesson 2

This lesson helps give up a few warm-ups for the fingers. These warm-ups are very important and help build callouses and stretches the fingers to help ease playing Guitar. Also a fun warm-up is including for the first three strings (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star). Practice makes Prefect !


  1. It is cool that you're going to be video taping yourself as you learn guitar! I like listening to the progress as people learn instruments. My brother (12) has been taking guitar lessons and he gets so excited to show us a new song he's learned.

  2. It is awesome that you are video taping yourself because it provides a visual of the process itself. I like that you go through and explain the things that you are doing in the video. It is like a real tutorial!

  3. I think learning an instrument through video can sometimes be more helpful than from a person. You can rewind confusing steps as many times as you want to without exasperating your teacher! These steps seem fairly clear to me. If I had a guitar, I'd try it!
