Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I was on YouTube looking for optical illusions (I was bored) when I stumbled on, perhaps, the coolest chalk-related thingy ever : 3D Art! What makes this cool is not the drawings themselves (except for a couple of them) but the way they were made to make you think they were 3D. This is one skill I wished I had!

Heres a video from YouTube showing some wicked 3D chalk drawings:


(p.s the one with the hose isn't a hose,  its the actual drawing...took me a while to figure that out)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could draw that good. They look so realistic!! I love when I see things on youtube. I'm beginning to think youtube searching is an art because every time I look for something interesting, I always feel like I failed. Sometimes I find something that's worth sharing, but most often I'm quite unsuccessful.
