Sunday, September 26, 2010

Top 8 Dailyshoot Photos (Awards)


  1. Foliage: The best one in my opinion is "In for the Kill" by Jim Grooms.I picked this one because it had a bee about to do it's thing, and had a sense of action in it as well.                                                                                                                  

  2. Complementary objects: The best one would probably be  "Ash and Ichabod" by sour_dotz's. This one reminded me of the little devil on someone's shoulder and it won because it kinda creeps me out a little too.

  3. Talismans: The best one would be ..."The thing that should not be" by me. Yeah, I know, its not cool to pick your own, but I can't ignore my piggie! The story behind that little pig is that it is actually MAGICAL. Ever time I lose my piggie, it always comes back (usually in a closet) to me. I lost my piggie in my senior year of high school and when I came here to UMW, I looked in the closet to put my clothes in... and BAM! He was sitting in there...There just some things that can't be explained in life...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

  4. Soft: This one has to be "A Softer 12 in deep blue" by Jim Grooms. I have a thing for cats, and this cat kinda reminds me of mine at home. I also think its funny when you pick your cat up because usually they struggle when they are in the air and they remain clueless of whats happening.                                                                                                                                                                

  5. Mirrors: This one is definitely Wesley's picture. The reason is because his friend looks like a ghost in that other mirror. This one was cool and the mirrors in their position helped with that ghost look.                                                                                             

  6. Messiness: This one goes to the paper clips by Ashley. Paper clips by their own nature are chaotic. Its only fitting that their chaos gets captured for this assignment, that and how paper clips can be neat to chaotic in less than a second.                     

  7. Symmetry: This one goes out to "Old School" by les.espinards. Not only does this picture have the 3x3 look going on, its from one of those old telephones. I look at this and ponder to myself what kinda phone is this? Is it one of those wall ones or a jumbo portable one?                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  8. Books: This one goes to "Learning" by Kevin. A lot of people just took pictures of books (I did) but Kevin instead opted to balance those said books on someone's head. That just makes this picture even cooler than just a bunch of plain books sitting in a shelf (no offense to anyone).                                                                                                                                                                    


  1. To answer your question about the telephone, it's actually one of the old phones hanging in the old UMW apartments' stairwells. Glad you liked it!

  2. I agree with you about JimGroom's cat photo...they pretty much have no clue what's going on. I also took a cat picture except it was a close, close up :)
