Thursday, September 30, 2010

Project Ideas

I have two ideas for my digital story:

  1. ZOMBIE MOVIE: I made a zombie movie with my friends a couple years back, and it was pretty cool. Sadly, I don't have the movie or neither do my friends; we filmed it on a phone and since phones are always updated, we lost the data (because the phone is essentially in the trash). Though it would be fun to try at it, but with more resources  with me.

  2. LETS LEARN HOW TO PLAY GUITAR TOGETHER: Playing guitar was always something I wanted to do, but could not really afford. It was only until recently that I bought one and started to play. I got hooked on it but decided not to bring to college (I thought people would get annoyed if a beginner guitarist was playing in his room a lot)

Hopefully during the week I will pick one and start next week with the videos!


  1. I, personally, would love to see you learn how to play guitar. I share that same aspiration and would even like to take lessons some day. Teaching oneself is a hard task indeed (I know from experience). What tools are you going to use in this process, i.e. guitar books, online lessons, etc. ?

  2. I have attempted to learn guitar and failed miserably. I think it would be an awesome skill to have, but at least from my personal experience, it can be a frustrating learning process. (But in all honesty, I think I'm musically impaired, so it probably won't be as tough for you!) Good luck!

  3. It would be awesome to see a home made zombie movie! (not to mention it would probably boost you grade in this class haha) I tried playing guitar once and it really hurt my fingers, apparently you have to develop calluses. Bu tif you can work through the pain I think that is very admirable.

  4. I like how both of your ideas involve sharing the process with video. Which ever you choose, I'd really enjoy knowing, in addition to the content info, the more technical side of how you captured, edited and uploaded the video.
